Strike Two For The Philadelphia Paid Sick Leave Bill


On April 11, 2013, Philadelphia's City Council could not muster the one extra vote it needed to override Mayor Nutter's veto of Philadelphia's Paid Sick Leave Bill (entitled "Promoting Healthy Families and Workplaces"). This is the second time that a bill mandating paid sick leave to employees has failed to be enacted by the City. The bill initially passed by a vote of 11 to 6 last month, however, on April 4, 2013, Mayor Nutter vetoed the bill, stating in his veto letter, "The burden businesses would face in meeting the requirements of this bill would deter job creation and decrease the competitiveness of our city at a time when we can ill afford it."

The ordinance would have required companies in Philadelphia with six to nineteen workers to offer its employees 32 hours (four days) paid sick leave per year, and employers with twenty or more employees would have had to provide 56 hours (7 days). Employees would have had to earn the paid sick leave, and employers with five or less employees would not have been affected.

Had the bill passed, employees who were denied sick time as required by the bill, or retaliated against for requesting or taking paid sick time, would have had the right to file a complaint or bring a civil action. Additionally, employers who violated the bill's notice and posting requirements would have been subject to a civil fine of $100 for each offense.

Although the bill did not pass, it came close and is a reminder of the importance of keeping up to date on ever-evolving and changing requirements state and local ordinances impose on employers.

If you have questions about the subject matter presented in this alert please contact a member of the Weber Gallagher Employment Group.

Media Contact

Chelsea R. Seidel​​​​

Digital Marketing Specialist


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