Domestic Violence Awareness Month


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Statistics provided by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence report, “one in four women and one in seven men will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes.” Domestic violence has no barriers and affects anyone regardless of gender, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity.

Domestic violence includes not only physical abuse but neglect, financial withholding, emotional abuse, stalking, and verbal abuse. Although not all are actionable in Pennsylvania, all forms of abuse are equally debilitating and both professional legal and therapeutic help is a necessary remedy.

Pennsylvania has many resources for those who are victims of domestic violence, including confidential shelters where a victim of domestic violence can safely live, access to cell phones, free individual and group counseling and assistance in finding employment.

Domestic violence has far-reaching and long-lasting effects. It is vitally important victims of abuse understand their legal rights and know they can get help.

Weber Gallagher’s Family Law Group can help victims of domestic violence navigate the legal system in obtaining a Protection Order for up to 36 months in Pennsylvania. Additional remedies including registering for a confidential address, supervised custodial visits, and financial support are available to victims and their children. More importantly legal counsel can help a victim of abuse devise a safety plan and provide guidance for the next steps in healing and becoming a survivor of abuse.

Below are several resources for victims in the five-county area in need of help:

Media Contact

Chelsea R. Seidel​​​​

Digital Marketing Specialist


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